Thursday 27 July 2017

Full body profile means, some important tests of our body which resulting us our body parts are healthy or not. And also to know in future we need to take treatment for good health. In this polluted environment it must be need such profiles.

In this profile we include:-CBC,BLOOD GLUCOSE, LFT, KFT, LIPIDS PROFILE, TFT,IRON PROFILE,ELECTROLYTES PROFILE, Pancreases Profile,  vitamin B12, vitamin D, Iron Profile, Urine (analyses, Microalbumin, Creatinine tests to know urinary tract infections); and some disorders ( HIV, HbsAg & VDRL).

COMPLATE BLOOD CELLS (which resulting us about our body cells e.g. – hemoglobin, immunity power of body, any infection, thrombosis power of body etc.)
HEMOGLOBIN:-low level of hemoglobin indicates anemia. Some disorders like malaria, black water fever, typhoid etc. decrease the level of hemoglobin in blood.

LEUKOCYTES (WBC):- If WBC are decrease in human blood it means immunity power of our body is poor. Some disease increase leucocytes (e.g. – leukemia, skin disorders, infection, diphtheria, whooping cough, cholera, pox etc.). in leukemia leukocytes increase more than 30-50%.
Five different kinds of leucocytes present in our body that is neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils
ESR:- Its high level in blood indicate T.B, gout, respiratory disease syphilis, fever, tumor, leukemia etc. also in pregnancy, lactation and menstruation period ESR may be increase. Low level of ESR indicates Heart failure, dehydration, whooping cough etc.

In liver function tests high level of billirubin indicates gall bladder stone, black water fever, parnishash anemia, parnishash malaria, homiletic anemia. In rackets disease and hepatitis disease alkaline phosphatase and SGPT will be high respectively.    

Inside the body, thyroid controls the works of many organs.
It is very necessary for the body's natural metabolism and the formation.
This enhances the ability of our body to receive oxygen. 
Nitrogen, carbon dioxide is expelled from the body by this hormone.
This hormone controls our appetite, body temperature and weight

Platelets- it is very small cells in blood. Normal microscope cannot show these cells. It Helps to keep the blood healthy and alive, also helps the blood to clot. They met each other does not help the blood to clot bleeding from an injury or hemorrhage.